SJS “Duke of Edinburgh Awards” celebrate our student's achievements at all levels

SJS “Duke of Edinburgh Awards” celebrate our student's achievements at all levels

SJS “Duke of Edinburgh Awards” celebrate our student's achievements at all levels
Latest School News

St Julian’s had the honour of welcoming HRH, the Princípe da Beira and Chair of the DofE and SJS Associate Filipe Lowndes Marques to celebrate our student’s achievements.

The International Award (DofE) served as a momentous occasion where students at all levels were acknowledged and applauded for their dedication, resilience, and personal growth.

The International Award (DofE) is a prestigious program that recognises and celebrates the exceptional accomplishments of young individuals across the world. Students dedicate their time between Skill, Volunteering, Activity and Adventurous Journey at Bronze (up to 3 months) and Silver (up to 6 months), Gold complete Skill, Volunteering, Activity, Residential and Adventurous Journey (up to 1 year). 

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Usually, we would celebrate students' achievements each year; however, we have been unable to hold a ceremony over the last three years due to the pandemic,  so we had a record number of participants receiving their awards this year.

Alongside the individual level achievements, the International Award Ceremony also acknowledges students who have gone above and beyond in their pursuit of personal development. Special recognition is also given to those who have displayed exceptional leadership, showcased outstanding resilience in the face of adversity, and made significant contributions to their communities alongside the CAS programme. These individuals serve as inspiring role models for their peers and embody the core values of the International Award program. 

During the ceremony, students and parents heard from two students Nicolás Carcamo (receiving Bronze and Silver) and Yanyu Wang (receiving Bronze, Silver and Gold), who shared their experiences through the process. We also had invited guest speakers, including HRH Principe da Beira, Filipe Lowndes Marques, Chair of DofE and Chair of the Association, Mr Terry Hamill, Professor at Nova University and Mr Paul Morgan, Head of School, who all transmitted their wisdom about the importance of the Award and Skills learnt during year 10 to year 13 and how they prepare students for their roles at University and beyond. 

The International Award Ceremony stands as a testament to the determination, growth, and accomplishments of students at all levels of the program. It serves as a platform to celebrate their achievements, honour their dedication, and inspire others to embark on their own journeys of personal development. Through their participation in the DofE program, these remarkable individuals have not only transformed their own lives but have also contributed positively to their communities and society as a whole. The ceremony symbolises the importance of nurturing the potential within every young person, fostering resilience, and promoting the pursuit of excellence. 

A big thank you to our International Award leaders, Miss Rebecca Davey, Mr Shane Gielty, and Miss Pinto, for all the support and operational staff that made the evening possible. 

Miss Maxine Small,  Internal Award Coordinator

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SJS “Duke of Edinburgh Awards” celebrate our student's achievements at all levels