Classlist Recommendations

Classlist Recommendations

Classlist Recommendations
Latest School News

Classlist was launched by PACT on 5 May, and we now have around 600 parents on board. We currently have around 780 families at St. Julian’s, so we are definitely moving towards having a full representation. Hopefully, over the next few weeks, we can get everyone on board.  

PACT are responsible for managing the platform communications, but the school is here to support you if you are having any trouble accessing the platform or other technical issues. If you need any help getting connected, please contact [email protected], and we will set you up as soon as possible. 

There are a couple of important things you can do once you sign up to ensure that you have your privacy and notifications set to share what you want and to get notified how you want. 

Classlist also has an excellent help centre which can answer all the questions you have about getting the most out of the app. The app is built to be easy to use and has a lot of excellent features for you to try out, such as: 

  • Communicating with groups or other parents 
  • Creating events
  • Check out the marketplace 
  • Depending on your privacy setting, you can also use the parent map for carpools or get to know other parents in your area. 

We hope you are enjoying your experience with Classlist. If you have any support questions, email [email protected]; for any other questions or feedback, please contact PACT through the Classlist app. 

Mr Michael Brooke, Technology Director

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