IB Year 12 Students Teach Primary Students

IB Year 12 Students Teach Primary Students

IB Year 12 Students Teach Primary Students
Latest School News

The group 4 project is a requirement of the IB diploma. Our Y12 students work in small groups to solve a scientific problem and then be able to communicate this to others. This year the challenge was for our IB students to design and then teach a thirty minute Science lesson for Y3 and Y4 Primary students. Activities included making paper aeroplanes, exploring how to drop an egg without breaking it, investigating friction, dropping mentos into coke and making ice cream.

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The Y12 and Primary students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and there was plenty of teaching and learning taking place for all the students. A huge thanks for everyone's hard work and enthusiasm which enabled this to be a success.

Mr Steve Jones, Head of Physics

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IB Year 12 Students Teach Primary Students