Why Special Time is Special

Why Special Time is Special

Why Special Time is Special
Latest School News

We live in a stressful culture that disconnects us from each other, from our feelings, and from our own inner wisdom.

Special Time is the antidote for parents and children, an essential nutrient that heals the upsets and disconnections of modern daily life.

This is a chance for you to focus on your child's good behaviours and build a strong, nurturing relationship. You can use the time to actively listen and practice praising, imitating, and describing your child's behaviour. It reconnects us with our children after the separations and struggles of the day, so they’re happier and more cooperative. It gives the child the essential - but unfortunately so often elusive-experience of the parent's full, attentive, loving presence.

It is giving your child a regular opportunity to express scary feelings and ideas to a compassionate, trusted adult who will listen and help work them through using their own natural language: PLAY.

Here is an article with some tips for a more effective special time that will impact your and your child's wellbeing.

Mrs Joana Lobo, Primary Psychologist

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