Year 6 Enjoy an Adventurous Experience at Quinta da Broeira

Year 6 Enjoy an Adventurous Experience at Quinta da Broeira

Year 6 Enjoy an Adventurous Experience at Quinta da Broeira
Latest School News

What a fun-filled and adventurous few days at Quinta da Broeira for our fearless Year 6 cohort of students! It was with high levels of excitement and some trepidation that they set off from school on Monday, 5th June. For some students, this was the first time they had been away from home, but there were brave faces all around as they waved goodbye to their parents and prepared themselves for the 3 day residential ahead.

On arrival at MyCamp, all the luggage was dropped off at the wooden cabins that would become home for the duration of the trip. As the children embarked on their first activities, archery, a ropes course through the trees and the climbing wall, there were lots of smiles and laughter. A quick pool dip helped everyone cool off before unpacking in the dormitories, a delicious dinner and ‘badjoras’ team game involving some map reading skills and collaboration before bed!

Flickr album: Year 6 have an adventurous experience at Quinta da Broeira | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Day 2 was a day that required real courage as the students took on the infamous Leap of Faith, zip line and some team games. Watching the students tackle these challenges and listening to the colleagues supporting each other was truly inspiring and a real reflection of our student's determination, resilience and spirit. In the afternoon, they visited the water park and whizzed down the slides, causing quite a splash in the pool! After another slap-up meal, they enjoyed an outdoor disco before collapsing, exhausted, into bed!

On the third and final day, the students packed their bags and set off to the Valada watersports centre after breakfast. The clouds looked a bit ominous, but the rain stayed off, and they enjoyed canoeing, water games and a play in the river before a hotdog picnic lunch. It was with heavy hearts that they said goodbye to the fantastic MyCamp monitors and jumped on the coaches. What an amazing adventure, with memories that will stay with them forever!

Please remember that on Thursday, 29th June (2 PM), the Year 6 students will have their Graduation assembly at school. During this assembly, there will be an opportunity to see many more photos and videos of the Quinta da Broeira trip.

Miss Louise Banthorpe, KS2 Deputy Principal

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Year 6 Enjoy an Adventurous Experience at Quinta da Broeira