5º and 6º ano participate in the “Invisible Man” play

The 5º and 6º ano students participated in an interactive English play, 'The Invisible Man', based on the famous novel by H.G. Wells. Some of our 6º ano students were invited on stage to assume major roles such as 'the elevator' and 'Bob the gangster'. They took to the stage like naturals, improvising with confidence and perfect comedy timing!

They shared their experiences:
'I really enjoyed 'The Invisible Man' because Foyle and Doyle were funny and they chose a lot of children to take part in the play. I think they were very creative, and the children did very well even though they didn't know anything beforehand!' Francisco, 5º ano
'I thought 'The Invisible Man' was really funny despite being totally improvised by taking people from the audience to make the scenes.' Lorenza, 5º ano
Prof. Jennie Cottam, English Teacher