Year 6 Visit MAAT and the Electricity Museum

Year 6 Visit MAAT and the Electricity Museum

Year 6 Visit MAAT and the Electricity Museum
Latest School News

Year 6 visited the MAAT and  Electricity Museums in Belém. This power station supplied electricity to the city of Lisbon from 1908 to 1951.  We were guided through the process: burning coal in furnaces to change water to steam, which spins a turbine to produce electricity.

After lunch, we went next door to the MAAT, Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, to walk under and around the huge art installations that Joana Vasconcelos has created.  We also enjoyed the amazing views from the roof of the MAAT. Here is what some of the students said:

"My favourite part was when we learnt how the boilers worked and we even got to go inside one of the boilers."

"It was fascinating to learn about the resourcefulness of humans when creating electricity."

"My favourite part was going on the roof because you could see the whole city below, and it was beautiful."

Mr Matt Dwyer, Year 6 Teacher

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Year 6 Visit MAAT and the Electricity Museum