Using the 6Cs to shape our New Year Resolutions

Using the 6Cs to shape our New Year Resolutions

Using the 6Cs to shape our New Year Resolutions
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Following on from the success of our Christmas performance - ‘The 6Cs at Christmas’, we decided to start the new term by thinking about our New Year Resolutions during both our Key Stage 2 assemblies. When reflecting on the year ahead, we all agreed that our school 6Cs, Courage, Citizenship, Curiosity, Collaboration, Communication, and Compassionate, were excellent places to start when considering setting ourselves a focus or a resolution for 2024.

We started the assembly by thinking about what the start of a new year means. We all agreed that it was quite exciting to think about what the new year ahead would look like and how we can be the best versions of ourselves. We thought about new beginnings and fresh starts and reflected on what we could do differently in 2024. We looked at some more unusual traditions, including banging bread on the wall to bring good luck and plenty of bread for the year ahead and visitors entering through the front door but leaving through the back door, again to bring good luck!

Some of the children in Key Stage 2 already had some great suggestions for how their New Year resolutions could be linked to one of our 6Cs.

Arthur from 3JW told us how he and his sister were going to use their Christmas money to adopt an Orca. He felt that this was a great example of Citizenship.

John, from Year 4, shared with us how he had challenged himself to restart an activity that he had tried previously, rock climbing! John would challenge himself to try the grown-up wall, demonstrating great Courage.

Molly, also from Year 4, shared with us how she would try to be more independent and help her mum more at home, especially by unloading the dishwasher, feeding the pets, folding the washing and cleaning her room! A great example of teamwork and collaboration.

Others had some moments of reflection on how they could make 2024 even more successful in school. Perhaps being a good communicator in the playground when a game wasn’t quite going as they hoped!

Or trying something new like using enquiry skills in Topic to be a curious learner and find out some interesting facts.

In Upper Key Stage 2, our assembly focused on how we can make our New Year resolutions achievable, what steps we need to take and how we will know when we have achieved our goal.

Carolina (5CM) said, “I began to learn how to crochet last year. This year, I want to start making actual crochet items. I am going to begin with a dinosaur! I will know that I have achieved my goal when I make a family of four dinosaurs!” We discussed how Carolina’s resolution links to her being a curious learner, striving to develop new skills.

Leonardo (6SW) wants to stop eating so many sweets and start to get fit. His first step is going to be asking his Mum to hide his sweets! Some of the other students thought that he was showing great courage by giving up all of his sweets. He decided to make it achievable by deciding to hide the majority of his sweets rather than all of them!

Joana, Helena, Beatriz and Jordânia (4º Ano) would like to be more compassionate. If someone is lonely or sad in the playground, they would like to make sure that they try to make them happy. They are going to try to talk to them, make them smile, and invite them to play with them. They said they will know when their goal has been achieved when they see everyone in the playground happy all the time.

Whatever our New Year resolutions were, we all felt the term had started very positively and were excited to take our learning forward in 2024, shaped by our school 6Cs.

Mrs Sally Homer, Lower KS2 Phase Leader and Year 3 Teacher and
Mrs Helen Norbury, Upper KS2 Phase Leader and Year 5 Teacher

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Using the 6Cs to shape our New Year Resolutions