The Benefits of Being Multilingual

The Benefits of Being Multilingual

The Benefits of Being Multilingual
Latest School News

O St. Julian’s voltou a contar com a colaboração da Dra. Dina Mehmedbegovic-Smith, no webinar que teve lugar no passado dia 16 de janeiro. A oradora é especialista no ensino e aprendizagem bilingue e professora no Institute of Education da conceituada universidade University College London. O tema da apresentação foi “What Does Every Parent in a Bi/Multilingual Family Need to Know about their Role in Supporting Bilingual/Multilingual Development of their Child(ren)?”, que poderão ver ou rever aqui.

Durante a apresentação de 30 minutos, a Dra. Dina Mehmedbegovic-Smith salientou o papel preponderante dos pais como os grandes decisores relativamente à prática linguística da família. Quando pais de famílias bilingues decidem que língua(s) é (são) falada(s) em casa, devem ter consciência de que estão em grande medida a determinar qual o perfil linguístico dos filhos. Recomendou algumas estratégias que os pais poderão adotar.

Os benefícios do bilinguismo são vários e vão desde uma função cognitiva alargada, que facilita o pensamento abstrato, melhor entendimento intercultural, o desenvolvimento de sistemas metalinguísticos, que favorecem a aprendizagem de outras línguas, adaptabilidade a novos contextos sociais, empregabilidade, o atraso de sinais doenças degenerativas como o Alzheimer, entre outros. 

Joana de Sousa, Diretora Pedagógica do Currículo Bilingue

St. Julian’s once again invited Dra. Dina Mehmedbegovic-Smith to collaborate with the school, through the webinar that took place on January 16th. The speaker is an expert in bilingual learning and teaches at the Institute of Education of University College London. The title of her presentation was “What Does Every Parent in a Bi/Multilingual Family Need to Know about their Role in Supporting Bilingual/Multilingual Development of their Child(ren)?”, and you can access the video here.

During her 30-minute presentation, Dra. Dina Mehmedbegovic-Smith reinforced the role of parents as the language policy-makers at home. When parents in bilingual families make a decision about the language spoken in the home, they need to be aware of the fact that they are determining their children’s linguistic profile. Dr. Dina listed strategies parents can use to encourage bilingualism as children grow up and develop their linguistic proficiency in two or more languages.

There are multiple benefits to bilingualism, from cognitive function to a greater capacity for abstract thought, better intercultural understanding, the development of metalinguistic systems which favour language learning, adaptability to new social contexts, employability and the delay of illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, amongst others.

Joana de Sousa, Principal of the Bilingual Curriculum

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The Benefits of Being Multilingual