SJS 6Cs in Primary this year

SJS 6Cs in Primary this year

SJS 6Cs in Primary this year
Latest School News

In Primary, we will be building on the work done last year when we initially introduced the 6Cs to our students. All the students are able to name and explain the 6Cs and impressed our new Head of School, Mr Morgan, by doing this in their start-of-year assemblies last week. Our primary students enjoy nominating their peers and sharing which of the 6Cs they have observed in their friends.

We will now be focussing on embedding the 6Cs through weekly assemblies, our Health and Citizenship lessons and throughout the wider curriculum. The students will learn to make links between their topic learning and the 6Cs. For example, in their ‘People Who Made a Difference’ topic, the Year 2 students will recognise the courage of certain historical figures, such as Rosa Parks and Amelia Earhart. In Year 3, students will learn how the fair trade movement links to citizenship as part of their topic on ‘Chocolate’.

As always, there will be opportunities for the students to continue to develop these attributes, and these will be celebrated in class through our focus on Positive Learning Environments as part of the school’s behaviour policy. Please look out for moments at home when these can be celebrated as well.

Students collaborated by making a tunnel in the KS1 sandpit.

Understanding that mistakes are part of learning and that we can practice and improve over time.

The House Food Bank allows students to donate food items to the less fortunate in the community.

What materials are best to make a boat so that it floats?

We have regular opportunities for children to discuss and present their ideas. Here is a parent visitor sharing some information about the country of China.

Being kind to ourselves and others, including animals. Here the students learnt about caring for animals during a trip to Lisbon Zoo.

Louise Banthorpe
Deputy Principal KS 2

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SJS 6Cs in Primary this year