Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster

Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster

Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster
Latest School News

The CB 5º and 6º ano went to Lisbon, to Auditório Santa Joana Princesa, to watch the comedy “Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster”. Here is some feedback from the students.

Joana de Sousa
English Teacher

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Q: What did you most enjoy about the play?

“I really liked the fact that people from the audience came up on stage.” Mário Francisco, 6º ano

“The part I enjoyed the most was when I got selected and went to up to the stage and started acting.” Santiago van Aldere, 6º ano

“What I enjoyed most about the play was the way the actors adapt to the different children that come onstage, and I also loved that it was interactive.” Carmo Cadete, 6º ano

“I loved the play because it was very funny, but at the same time I got to understand the story! Unfortunately, I couldn’t go on stage, but I loved seeing my classmates pretending to be random things and characters!” Niki Tsumagari, 6º ano

“My favourite part was when the [student playing a] maid cleaned Dr Watson’s face with a duster whenever he asked for a kiss.” Francisca Andrès, 5º ano

“In my opinion, the best part of the play was when the action stopped for a musical scene.” Valentina Gonzalez, 6º ano

“My favourite scene from the play was when doctor Watson was at the train station looking for Sherlock Holmes.” Caetana Carmo, 6º ano

Q: Would you recommend this play?

“I would recommend this theatre company because they really make good plays like this one.” Maria Inês Pinto, 5º ano.

“Yes, because this play was super funny and I think they can put on an even funnier play next time.” Xinhui Xiang, 5º ano

“I would recommend this theatre company to people who like comedy and adventure at the same time.” Miguel Castro, 6º ano

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Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster