ECIS UK Universities Fair
The ten universities represented included The University of Cambridge, The University of Leeds, Warwick University, The University of York, The University of Surrey, Southampton University, The University of Kent, The University of Bath, Goldsmiths University and New College of the Humanities (now Northeastern).
We were also pleased to host students and staff from Santo Antonio International School as well as Park International during this event. We thank them for joining us.
The visit began with a very informative presentation given to the Year 12 students who are currently in the process of making decisions about where they might want to apply in the future. This was followed by a mini-fair where parents and students had the opportunity to talk to the representatives directly with any questions or concerns they had.
We sincerely thank the ECIS group for joining us and look forward to hosting them again in the near future.
Helena Blanchard
Head of Student Futures Team