Inter Arts ISTA Festival Reflections

Inter Arts ISTA Festival Reflections

Inter Arts ISTA Festival Reflections
Latest School News

ISTA was an amazing experience for me, from day 1 to 4 I have expanded my knowledge and also creativity by understanding the strong message of freedom and how different people express this using the performing arts. I made so many friends along the way from many different countries; this created a diverse environment with so many ideas, as everyone had different experiences.

My favourite part was showing the audience all our work and efforts and sending a strong message of the lack of freedom in our lives using different art forms. It was so fun and collaborative. I loved using the stage and performing at my very best.

I would like to thank everyone that helped and participated because everyone worked really hard to make this the best it could be and made it an amazing experience.

Thank you,

Selma Benjelloun-Touimi
Year 10

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