'The Boy Who Lost His Bumble' takes on a new meaning in Tapada de Mafra

'The Boy Who Lost His Bumble' takes on a new meaning in Tapada de Mafra

'The Boy Who Lost His Bumble' takes on a new meaning in Tapada de Mafra
Latest School News

A very buzzzzy day at Tapada de Mafra for the Reception classes, who visited as part of their learning about bees!

Having focused on the story ‘The Boy Who Lost His Bumble’ in Literacy, the children were excited to take part in a honey bee workshop, learning more about the drones, worker bees and the all-important queen bee! It was amazing to hear some of St.Julian’s youngest learners share what they already knew whilst picking up some new facts too…

Did you know the queen bee can lay up to 2000 eggs daily? Or that she is only fed on royal jelly?

Flickr album: Reception discover wonders about Bees | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Alongside the bee workshop, the children enjoyed a small train ride around the park, spotting fallow deer, red deer and even wild boar. Our picnic lunch was a huge hit, and we had some very tired explorers on the bus ride home! Well done to all Reception students; you were wonderful ambassadors for the school and a pleasure to spend the day with! 

Ms Sarah Kilbane, Foundation Phase Leader and Teacher

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'The Boy Who Lost His Bumble' takes on a new meaning in Tapada de Mafra