GCSE Exhibition showcases two years of students’ hard work

GCSE Exhibition showcases two years of students’ hard work

GCSE Exhibition showcases two years of students’ hard work
Latest School News

It took two years for 21 students to create over 105 artworks and 55 sketchbooks, endless hours of teacher assessment, further hours of logistical planning, and 4 days of curation, topped off with the visit of 1 moderator flown out from the UK. This is what goes into the 3-hour Celebration Evening of the GCSE Art student's work, but lordy, it is well worth every minute. Last Friday, students, their families and friends, St. Julian’s staff and the wider community turned up in their droves to the wonderfully quirky and delightful gallery of Quinta dos Caniços, Tires, to see our students' artwork.

They were certainly not disappointed, as the technical quality, the breadth of ideas of the artwork, and their sketchbooks, crammed full of insights and investigations, were an absolute delight. Exclamations of ‘How old are these students?’, ‘so individual’ and ‘I want this on my wall!’ were constant. It was a wonderful early evening celebration whereby the sun shone, refreshments flowed, and laughter and conversations were animated with the students beaming. Rightly proud of their work and at last seeing their pieces where they deserve to be seen, on a gallery wall.

To see our album click here.

Thank you to all who helped make this event happen, Mr Paul Morgan for his supportive speech on behalf of her art group, a huge thank you to Ms Vicki Ozkut for all of her commitment and, of course, the whole Art Team.

But most of all, a massive congratulations to the GCSE Art cohort of ‘23 for your hard work, dedication and wonderful ideas. It has all been worthwhile. I look forward to seeing many of you next year for IB, in our soon-to-be revamped studios and to the others, keep in touch and keep up your artwork!

Mrs Roo Burridge, Head of Art

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GCSE Exhibition showcases two years of students’ hard work