Year 3 visit the Dino Parque in Lourinhã!

Year 3 visit the Dino Parque in Lourinhã!

Year 3 visit the Dino Parque in Lourinhã!
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The whole year 3 boarded the buses to Dino Parque in Lourinhã for quite a long journey, but everyone was in very good spirits and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. 

We arrived at the park, and after a drink and a snack, we were ready to explore. The park was full of all sorts of dinosaurs from many different eras. We could get up close to one of the enormous dinosaurs, diplodocus, by climbing a platform and patting it on the nose! 

Some of us were swallowed whole by the prehistoric sea creatures, and some of us became ice-age men! 

To see our album, click here.

As part of the morning, each group had the opportunity to become palaeontologists and excavate a block to find a dinosaur with many different species revealed. This was great fun, and everyone had a lovely dinosaur to take home. We used our knowledge of fossils and dinosaurs to help us explore the rest of the park, and we all decided on a favourite. Before returning to school, we had time for a packed lunch in the sunshine and a play on the climbing frame.

Mrs Sally Homer, Phase Leader and Y3 Teacher

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Year 3 visit the Dino Parque in Lourinhã!