News from our Granada Expedition

News from our Granada Expedition

News from our Granada Expedition
Latest School News

"We do not learn from experience; we learn from reflecting on experience." - John Dewey

Granada, where our year 12 adventure took us on a journey through time, culture, and the true essence of education. With a TOK focus on exploring Alhambra and the city and a CAS focus on hiking and walking, we embraced every moment—from stimulating workshops to the grand finale of a live Flamenco concert.

The architectural masterpiece of the Alhambra, was the epitome of the TOK focus. After an initial logistical stumbling block at the entrance, students and teachers wandered through its intricate courtyards and stunning gardens, their minds buzzing with questions about the influence of culture, time and human ingenuity. Discussions about design, symmetry, and cultural preservation flowed effortlessly as students uncovered the secrets of this historic gem.

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The exploration into the heart of Granada was enhanced by workshops that provided a true sensory experience. The cooking workshops were a culinary delight that had students delve into the essence of Spanish cuisine, concocting a paella that could have rivalled any top chef's creation. Perfume-making took students on a fragrant adventure, challenging the senses as each participant created unique scents.  Leather and tile engraving turned most into artists, experimenting with form and expression by etching intricate Moorish designs, and the Flamenco dance workshop truly evoked the spirit of the flamenco duende (passion and inspiration). 

Our CAS focus took us once again to the majestic foothills of the Sierra Nevada and the village of Quéntar. The first circular hike not only challenged us physically but also encouraged us to think about our place in the natural world as we reflected on concepts of environmental responsibility, connected with the beauty and fragility of nature, and recognised the importance of preserving it for future generations. The following day was a group walk along the Camino Mozárabe to the city's centre—a true journey through history and a humbling experience that underlined the significance of dedication and perseverance. For the last night, the group all came together to witness a soul-stirring flamenco concert and share in our final group reflection and awards ceremony that acknowledged those students who consistently demonstrated the school’s values.

Special thanks to the head of year 12, Sophie Hammacher, for her inexhaustible efforts in organising all student-related logistics and all the staff present for their dedication and attention to the safety and well-being of all students.

Mr Bernardo Savill, Granada Trip lead

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News from our Granada Expedition