Year 5 Students Visit Roman Museum and Ruins

Year 5 Students Visit Roman Museum and Ruins

Year 5 Students Visit Roman Museum and Ruins
Latest School News

Our Year 5 students visited the Roman Archaeology Museum in Odrinhas to learn about the ancient Roman civilisation. Highlights included seeing Roman ruins, seeing a beautiful mosaic and learning about Roman mythology. 

The students asked a few  insightful questions, such as “Why did the Romans make sacrifices?” and “Why did they recline during meals?” When asked to reflect on their experience, Leonor, 5IG, said, “It made me feel excited and want to know more.” Her peers echoed this sentiment. The trip ignited the children’s curiosity and their connection to history.

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The trip was a perfect stepping-stone for the Year 5 children to present their own museum back at school the following week. It was their opportunity to share the results of the inquiry project that they had been working on since the start of the term. They were not only sharing their knowledge and research but also demonstrating skills of collaboration and communication. The Year 4 students who came to visit the museum were impressed; “Wow!” said John, “This is amazing! I can’t wait to be in Year 5!”

The children’s own reflections on their learning journey indicate just how worthwhile the Museum project has been:

“I really loved showing the Year 4s our work, and it felt like a real business. I was proud of the organisation and work that we did.” - Hawke 5HN.

“The 6Cs that we used the most were communication (we always knew what the other people in our group were doing) and collaboration (we had to work together like puzzle pieces).”- Annabelle 5HN.

“It was so nice to explain to the year 4s all about the topic I studied and see the little ones learning. I was really proud of everyone's incredible work, especially the artefacts that we had made.” - Evelyn. 5CM

All of the Year 5 teachers are incredibly proud of all of the students and their efforts leading up to and during their Museum. We look forward to building on this experience and the skills that they are developing during our next inquiry topic.

Mrs Helen Norbury, Upper Key Stage 2 Phase Leader and Year 5 Class Teacher

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Year 5 Students Visit Roman Museum and Ruins