Primary’s Art Week Draws inpiration From a Poem

Primary’s Art Week Draws inpiration From a Poem

Primary’s Art Week Draws inpiration From a Poem
Latest School News


If I had wings I would touch
The frail fingertips of clouds

If I had wings I would taste
A chunk of sun, as hot as peppered curry

If I had wings, I would listen
To the clouds’ soft breath

If I had wings I would smell
The scent of fresh raindrops

If I had wings I would gaze
As the people who cling to the earth’s crust

If I had wings I would dream of swimming the deserts
And walking the seas.

Pie Corbett

The children took part in lots of fun art activities over the week. They had a great time creating collaborative art in their House teams.

They took part in a mystery artist challenge to see if they could guess a new artist each day of Art Week.
Can you guess?

They also had a whole day of art, creating lots of interesting works based on the theme of Wings.
Some children were making art in flight:

(Art in Flight by the Nursery children).

Others drew themselves wings and took to the skies in all its glorious states:

(Reach for the sky by Year 1)

Some children took the theme of senses from the poem and made sensory art:

(Scented Jack-o'-lantern by Reception, painted with spices).

(Textured wings by Year 3, made with wool).

Everyone had a great time!

Flickr album: Primary Art Week | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

You can check out some of the amazing artwork that is currently on display in the Primary main entrance!

Mrs Cathy Foster, Primary Art subject leader

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Primary’s Art Week Draws inpiration From a Poem